Previews Blog
The 5 Second Rule
We've been talking a lot in our recent Sexy Sobriety live calls, about Mel Robbins' book, The 5 Second Rule. Mainly because I was stunned at how such a crazy-simple concept (counting down 5-4-3-2-1 and then launching into action) has...
1000 Days
December 2016 Today, my friend, I celebrate 1000 days alcohol-free. One thousand! ???? Generally I don't count days anymore, but when I saw a beautiful soul share a milestone like this on her page a couple of weeks ago, I got curious about where I was, only to...
Taking That Scary Next Step
When we were invited to Sydney to film with one of the largest television networks in the country, I must admit, I was scared. Would they handle the topic with care? Would I be able to articulate my story and its meaning under pressure, or...
On Choosing Love When It Feels Impossible
It feels surreal to be telling you this, but I actually started writing this post to you from my hotel room overlooking the Sydney Harbour this morning. I'd just finished dialling in to a conference call with The Institute for Integrative...
Pep Talks
Need pep talks? You got ’em. Check out the huge range of audio topics waiting for you inside:
Preview: Interview with Jolene Park
Oh boy, did this interview completely re-inspire me when it comes to taking care of my body and mind!
Jolene Park’s interest in holistic recovery began when she stopped using alcohol as a way to self-medicate her own anxiety.
Preview: Interview with Kirsten Johnson
Seven years ago, Kirsten was working as a Data Analyst for a start-up in San Francisco. Suffering from a range of anxiety disorders, she found herself increasingly self-medicating with alcohol.
Preview: Interview with Gretchen Hoechner
Gretchen’s story is one I’ve become so familiar with as I interview more incredible women like her, and welcome more members from around the globe to Sexy Sobriety.
So many of us found that we struggled with people pleasing, approval addiction, over-exercising, eating disorders, anxiety, and depression, before we even had the chance to pick up our first drink.
Preview: Interview with Maya Henry
No sooner had we recorded this interview with one of Sexy Sobriety‘s very first Members, Maya Henry, than I came across this passage in Brené Brown’s new book, Rising Strong:
“We can’t selectively numb emotions – when we numb the dark, we also numb the light…”
Preview: Coaching Call – Managing Emotions
Hi beautiful!
Here’s a snippet from one of our recent Live Coaching Calls, ‘Managing Emotions’.
“Quite often we attach to the bottle because we are sensitive souls…”
Preview: Sharon Otness’ Story
Sharon Otness was a creative spirit, a normal, devoted wife and mother, when heartbreak over her sister's death, and finding herself stuck in a marriage that was no longer working, brought her to her knees. "I woke up in the early evening to...
Preview: Interview with Bianca MacLachlan
Happy news! It’s Bianca MacLachlan’s 18 month soberversary!
You might remember Bianca from her beautiful guest story on Day 64. Well, she’s back – happier and healthier than ever – to share with us what she’s learnt on this incredible journey.