29 JUN 2020 Join me and Renee Warren, host of the ‘We Wild Women’ Podcast, a show geared towards first-time female entrepreneurs and dreamers. Tune in as we chat about finding the courage to pour our entire hearts into something, how to get over the voice in our heads telling us “it’s not possible”, and the freedom of walking our own path.
13 MAY 2020 Recently I had the pleasure and honour of being a guest on Jackie Broe’s ‘The Sober Magic’ Podcast . Tune in as we chat about the Pandemic and how it relates to sobriety, the curiosities of how and why the wellness world is so often tied up in sobriety, and making the (often scary!) transition to sobriety in our friendship circles.
06 FEB 2020 Join me as I chat with Annie Nolan and Bianka Thompson, Australian Comedians, Radio Hosts, and creators of the ‘We Want To Be Better’ Podcast. Tune in as we discuss the appeal, pitfalls, and ultimate truth of drinking and moderation.
24 JUN 2019 Wow! Tickled pink to discover A Happier Hour was listed in the 100 Best-Selling Memoirs of all time. Thank you, BookAuthority, and thank you, beautiful readers! x
18 APR 2019 So honoured to discover’A Happier Hour included in The Temper’s list of 26 Powerful Women’s Recovery Memoirs to Inspire Your Own Journey.
10 APR 2019 Join me and Annick Ina, host of Write and Change Lives and the Authors Reveal Series, as we take a behind-the-scenes look into independent publishing, the power of creativity, and finding the courage to share our stories.
01 MAR 2019 Join me and incredible hosts of the Love Sober Podcast, Kate Baily and Mandy Manners, as we chat about the reasons we love being sober, a powerful way to reframe sobriety, and the areas of our biggest and boldest personal growth.
07 FEB 2019 Join me, Radio Host Real Heidi, and Comedian Eleanor Conway, as we discuss the best parts about living alcohol-free and how to stay firmly on the wagon.
10 AUG 2018 Join me on Sarah Chopra’s The GUT Guru Podcast, as we discuss the link between alcohol and gut health, just how long it took me to stop thinking about alcohol, and my favourite tips for anyone wanting to take their own break from drinking.
20 JUN 2018 Join me on Megan Gipson’s The Family Brain Podcast, as we discuss the spectrum of addiction, the true meaning of self-care, and how we can live our best life.
18 MAY 2018 Join me as I share with The Modern Day Woman my beliefs around balancing multiple passions, my favourite advice on where to start, and my biggest life lesson so far.
07 MAR 2018 In celebration of International Womens Day, join me and three inspiring women on Hello Sunday Morning, as we share more about our stories and our hopes for a future of healthy and empowered women.
14 FEB 2018 Join me and the morning crew from Hit92.9 Radio as we chat about signs that we need to take the first step, society’s normalisation of binge drinking, and how to create a life we don’t want to escape from.
02 JAN 2018 Join me on Heidi Anderson’s Real Heidi, Real People, Real Stories Podcast, as we talk about breaking free of destructive patterns, blackouts, anxiety, and how we stage a come back in the form of a changed identity.
15 NOV 2017 Join me on The Jennifer Fulwiler Show airing on SiriusXM Radio, as we chat about shaking off old beliefs, how to recognise when our relationship with alcohol has become toxic, and actually having fun with sobriety.
10 AUG 2017 Join me as I share an excerpt from the book with the incredible crew over at Hello Sunday Morning, on the topic of reversing your thinking to focus on what you truly want.
07 JUL 2017 It was such an honour to be recognised as one of WA’s leading new businesses at the 2017 Telstra Business Awards! Join us as we share more about this incredible adventure.
06 JUL 2017 Join me on Allison Micco’s Don’t Freak Out Podcast, as we discuss the link between anxiety and alcohol, tips for self-soothing and managing emotions in a healthy way, and the secret to cultivating an adventurous life!
13 MAR 2017 Join me on Sarah Jensen’s podcast Rock Your Goals, where we talk sobriety, the beauty of simplicity, fear busting, letting go of the “shoulds”, and how sharing what you’re going through can increase your impact in the world!
15 DEC 2016 Join me as I chat with Hayley Carr about all things Sexy Sobriety and A Happier Hour, in her video and audio recording This Might Be The Sexiest Thing You Do All Year!
03 NOV 2016 For you IIN Ambassadors, check out my webinar interview with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition on the ShareIIN dashboard, where we chat about the journey from creating Sexy Sobriety to writing A Happier Hour! I also chatted with IIN on their blog, click below to read more.
12 OCT 2016 Join me on Making the Maven, a podcast by Michelle McGlade. We’re talking entrepreneurism, self-care and sobriety, and of course, A Happier Hour!
28 AUG 2016 Join me at the Perth Peace Expo, Perth Town Hall, Western Australia, where I’ll be speaking on stage at 12:45pm. You’ll have the opportunity to buy a signed copy of A Happier Hour, eat amazing food, mingle with like-minded souls, and take some fun pics!
10 AUG 2016 The first (virtual) stop on our Book Tour is in the Shiny Healthy You Podcast with Naturopath Jules Galloway. Join us as we talk wholefood eating, sobriety, delicious healthy drinks, and the art of self-care.
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