I chuckle sometimes when I remember how terrified I was of sobriety because I was sure it would be B-O-R-I-N-G.
It would feel like everyday’s a weekday! How would I let my hair down? How would I have a good time?
In reality, drinking kept me trapped inside a bottle-shaped cage of my own making.
Angela Raspass kissed goodbye to drinking 8 years ago and has never looked back. Like me, she quickly discovered that life only gets bigger and bolder on the other side. Now fearless and free, she empowers other women to create whole-hearted businesses and lives…
“Was I afraid? I was terrified! Because I had numbed [myself]. I’d celebrated with alcohol, I’d commiserated with alcohol, I’d numbed my fear with alcohol. There were so many emotions that I’d pushed down and suddenly my armour was gone…
[My relationships] got a lot more honest. My relationship with my husband improved enormously. With my children, my patience with them and my emotional presence with them is enormously increased.
I’m much more ME now. I’m becoming the person I was always meant to be.”
Find Angela at AngelaRaspass.com :: Facebook
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