Oh, I could completely relate with Roseann’s story. This time last year, in every other way – nutrition, career, spirituality – things had never been better for me. I was a Health Coach, for goodness sakes! And yet, I still couldn’t seem to put down the glass.
I kidded myself for months, of course. Oh well, I’m so healthy in every other way, surely guzzling great goblets of wine can’t be THAT bad. I mean, it’s not like I’m eating burgers and fries all day…
Finally I couldn’t deny the truth any longer. It was time to grow up and walk the talk.
It was a beautiful day almost 13 years ago, when Roseann Zaft heard that little voice telling her to wake up. She’d always been highly productive and successful in her ventures, but free of the hangovers that previously slowed her down, she now runs an incredible health and wellness business. Her latest book All Natural Sugar Detox became an Amazon best seller when she released it this month.
Join us as we talk courage, health, healing, and sugar addiction…
“I’d always worked out, because that was my ‘balance’. If you worked as hard as I did, and drank as much as I did, and you worked out, and got rid of all those toxins, then you could do it again. So that was my insanity…
I’ve gained a huge connection to, what I call, my higher power… Hence then, I come to find, at 57, that I’m healthier, happier, and more sober than ever. And that I’m purposefully driven to share my story, and also to help other people to live fit. So that’s where the name of my company came from – Live Fit – because I just look at living fit – spiritually, mentally, socially, professionally, economically – and trying to keep all those spokes on the wheel pretty balanced.”
Find Roseann at RoseannZaft.com :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Instagram
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