When Sheree decided to take a break from drinking more than a year ago, she never intended it to be ‘forever’. Like so many of us, she suspected that alcohol was taking away from her life more than it was adding to it. So she embarked on an experiment. And to her surprise, (like me) she found that she enjoyed life so much more without it.

As Sheree continued to ‘move the goalpost’ from one month, to three months, to six months alcohol-free, she decided to keep the sober momentum rolling and see just how good it could get. Her strength, energy, looks, and sleep all improved. She felt more focused, joyful, and content.

Now more than a year sober, Sheree lives a life of passion and purpose. Better yet, she’s helping other women to do the same.

Join us as we talk detoxing, momentum, and blazing a sweet trail…

“And I started thinking about that relationship [with alcohol]. I didn’t drink during the day – it was nighttime and it was always in a controlled way – but I also knew that in some ways, it was eroding the things that were important to me in my life. It made it more difficult to get up in the morning – you’re a little bit more foggy headed. Exercising, if you do yoga, even running, your muscles are a little stiffer.
All those little things, little small prices to pay, little drips of water into the bucket, that make you think: this isn’t working.


Sheree is an author, television show host, health coach, motivator and raw vegan chef. She has written and presented on topics ranging from raw food 101 to overcoming career burnout. Currently she hosts Fork in the Road with Sheree Clark, a weekly TV show, as well as coaching a full practice of health and nutrition clients.

Find Sheree at Fork-Road.com :: Facebook :: Instagram :: Youtube :: MeetUp


Sexy Sobriety Interview with Sheree Clark

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