Preview: Interview with Carla Holden

Preview: Interview with Carla Holden

  Are you willing to get to know yourself sober? When a personal mentor asked Carla this question, it changed everything. Like so many of us, Carla struggled at first. She knew that alcohol and sugar were holding her back from the life she truly craved, but, at...
Preview: Interview with Wilma MacDonald

Preview: Interview with Wilma MacDonald

    Alcohol equals confidence, right? That’s what I signed up for. That’s the reason I was first in line for the champagne every. single. time. Alcohol stands for fun! And mischief! And shenanigans! Until it doesn’t. Until you wake up the...
Preview: Interview with Sarah Yost

Preview: Interview with Sarah Yost

    I remember when one of my biggest fears about sobriety was that I’d never have fun, ever again. My fear kept me trapped, endlessly looking to the bottom of the bottle to try to find my bliss. I sure as hell wasn’t ready to stop drinking. But...
Preview: Interview with Elloa Atkinson

Preview: Interview with Elloa Atkinson

    So often, I think we drink – not for the drink itself – but just because we want to feel a certain way. Relaxed, happy, excited, confident, included… Just like Elloa, I first fell in love with alcohol because of the way it made me feel....
Preview: Interview with Sazzu Hope

Preview: Interview with Sazzu Hope

    Do you ever have a single glass of wine and feel just that little bit less enthusiastic the next day? Your creativity doesn’t flow… You feel cranky with everyone around you… Stuff you usually breeze through feels really freakin’...

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